1967 - Fred Bear museum opens in Grayling, Michigan closes in 2003 and collections sold to Bass Pro Shops.1959 - First year for the coin medallion in the bow risers.1956 - Bear markets his Bear Razorhead broadhead for the first time.1954 - The first working recurve bow made by Bear is marketed, the Kodiak II, or Compass Kodiak.1953 - Bear patents the working recurve limb, thus the patent date silk-screened on bows made after that date.1950 - Last full year for the Aluminum lamination.These first bows are laminated with a layer of Aluminum salvaged from WWII. 1949 - Bear begins mass production of bows in Grayling, the Polar, Grizzly, and Kodiak.1948 - Nels Grumley leaves Bear over plans to being machine making bows.1948 - Bear Archery produces TV and record cabinets for Admiral Corp.1947 - Bear opens a new plant in Grayling, Michigan and moves all operations there.1942 - Bear produces first Bear hunting movie.The archery business begins using the name Bear Archery Company 1940 - Bear Products is split into two companies, with Fred retaining the archery business and his partner keeping the automotive business.